Mega Simple Download

Simple trick to download from MEGA link

1. Create an account in Mega, Google(assuming you already have one),
2. Open a new tab and login to Mega
3. Click on the mega link from where you want to download the file
4. Click on "Import to your cloud" seen at the bottom
5. Login to and add your Mega and Google drive there
6. Browse through the mega folder seen there to locate the file you need to download
7. Right click the file, select the "copy to" option and set the destination to Google Drive
8. Wait for the copying to complete and then go to your google drive to download the file

--Simpler than downloading through MEGA app or Browser!!!


  1. Or on your mobile open site as desktop .. then download it more simple and fast method

    1. Of course you could follow the conventional method but google drive has its own advantages

  2. Anit can you port cross platform kernels.. Like MT6785 to MT6592 (its just an example)

    1. its possible to port cross platform kernels. But it often leads to unrecoverable serious bugs. Most of them wont even pass the bootscreen


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